SAINT-LÉONARD (CNB) – A new regional emergency centre was officially opened today in Saint-Léonard.

"This facility will ensure emergency responders can work in a safe environment and provide quality service to residents of the region,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe. “It will provide fire and ambulance services for the Saint-Léonard region and be available for emergencies to the entire lower Madawaska region."

Coulombe was speaking on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud.

"The municipal council of Saint-Léonard, firefighters and paramedics are proud to work in emergency services from a brand new facility," said Saint-Léonard Mayor Carmel St-Amand. "We thank the provincial government, Minister Coulombe and the Regional Development Corporation for the financial assistance."

The Regional Development Corporation provided $500,000 to help defray the costs of building the centre. It will house emergency vehicles serving Saint-Léonard and the local service districts of Saint-Léonard-Parent and Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes.