MIRAMICHI (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing nearly $4 million for major repairs to the pier structure at Station Wharf in Miramichi.

“We know how important creating jobs, growing the economy, and securing health care and education are to New Brunswickers and their families,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for Northern and Miramichi Funds. “Our government’s investment in this project will assist the city in promoting itself as a destination hub for northeastern New Brunswick through new opportunities.”

The provincial and federal governments are each contributing $1,917,504 towards the project to repair and replace damaged piles, replace braces, fenders and curbs, level the deck and partially remove and replace the borderline wharf. The provincial government’s investment is provided through the Miramichi Regional Economic Development and Innovation Fund. The federal government’s non-repayable contribution is being made through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s (ACOA) Innovative Communities Fund. The City of Miramichi is investing $431,500 in the project.

“I am pleased that the Government of Canada is supporting the repairs at Station Wharf, which will help position the City for future growth, enabling it to capitalize on river tourism opportunities such as the growing small cruise ship industry, and continue to support commercial activities at the wharf,” said Miramichi-Grand Lake MP Pat Finnigan. “This project will also help position the city for future growth, enabling it to capitalize on river tourism opportunities such as the growing small cruise ship industry, and continue to support commercial activities at the wharf.”

Finnigan attended for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains, who is also minister responsible for ACOA.

“The city is pleased to have partnered with the other two levels of government on this important initiative,” said Brian King, deputy mayor of Miramichi. “Waterfront and park development are both part of the city’s strategic plan and will enhance future growth in tourism opportunities.”