MONCTON (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $500,000 towards the replacement of the pool at the Moncton East Youth Centre.

“Your government is proud to invest in important recreational community projects such as the east end pool in Moncton,” said Finance Minister Cathy Rogers. “Once complete, this facility will be able to serve residents and visitors for many years to come.”

Rogers spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation

The former pool was decommissioned in 2013, after 40 years of use, due to the irreparable state of the facility.

“We thank the Province of New Brunswick for their contribution towards the reconstruction of the east end pool,” said Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold. “This $500,000 is an important step and brings the total funding to $1.6 million.”

If work begins on the pool this summer, it could open in early summer of 2019.

The provincial government is partnering with the City of Moncton on this $2.3 million project.