RENOUS (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing a combined $340,000 in infrastructure improvements to the Tom Donovan Arena in Renous.

“By investing in recreational infrastructure, we are helping communities like Renous spend time together while staying active and having fun,” said Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jake Stewart. “The provincial government is proud to be a partner in this important recreational infrastructure project.”

Stewart spoke on behalf of Justice Minister Andrea Anderson-Mason, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

“Recreational facilities improve the quality of people’s lives while contributing to economic growth and creating good, middle-class jobs,” said Miramichi-Grand Lake MP Pat Finnigan. “The renovations to the Tom Donovan Arena will help Renous-area residents maintain a healthy lifestyle, bring people together and contribute to the region’s development.”

Finnigan attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister François-Philippe Champagne.

The project includes a new ice-making plant, fixing the arena’s refrigeration unit, upgrading the dressing rooms and showers, paint for walls and bleachers, and a new scoreboard and clock. The renovations are intended to make the arena more accessible for youth and families in the community, encouraging healthy, active lifestyles.

“We are certain the contributions and support by the provincial and federal governments will be recognized by Renous and surrounding area for a long time,” said Nancy Hallihan-Sturgeon, co-chair of the local organizing committee. “The rally to breathe new life into our arena has surpassed our expectations and we are humbled by the support.”

The federal government is investing $246,000 through the Community, Culture and Recreation stream of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. Kraft Hockeyville is providing $250,000 while the provincial government is providing $94,000 and the Renous Recreation Council will contribute the remaining $25,000.