FREDERICTON (GNB) – From Neguac to Grand Manan and many points in between, Seniors and Long-term Care Minister Lisa Harris has now visited all 68 nursing homes in the province.

Harris completed her tour today when she had her first official tour of the York Care Centre in Fredericton.

“It has been such a pleasure to be so warmly received and to have had the opportunity to speak one-on-one with seniors, their families, nursing home staff and administrators, board members and volunteers as part of my tour of nursing homes across the province,” said Harris. “Your government understands the important role that nursing homes play in caring for our seniors and we continue to work with them to ensure that they are well positioned to provide the best care possible.”

Harris was sworn in as minister of Seniors and Long-term Care in June 2016. Her first official nursing home tour occurred on Aug. 22, 2016, when she visited Foyer Notre-Dame in Saint-Léonard.

Harris said the insights she gained from the tours has helped her better understand the challenges and the success stories in the nursing home sector. As an example, the Carleton Manor in Woodstock became only the sixth nursing home in Canada to receive a prestigious designation for person-centred care.

“We are very excited about the wonderful things Minister Harris is doing for our sector and the seniors of New Brunswick,” said Kevin Harter, president and chief executive officer of York Care Centre. “We were pleased to show her our home and showcase the great work being done by our staff and volunteers.”

The provincial government provides various support services for seniors to help them remain healthy and independent in their own communities, and is also investing in the construction of new nursing homes as well as upgrades to existing ones.

Fostering healthy aging and support for seniors is one of the priority areas identified in the New Brunswick Family Plan framework, which aims to ensure that families are supported, resulting in a healthier province.