MACTAQUAC (GNB) – Improved facilities and new equipment in provincial parks are intended to increase accessibility for people with limited mobility and physical disabilities.

“New Brunswick provincial parks provide opportunities for residents and visitors to take part in recreational and outdoor activities that promote a healthy lifestyle,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Robert Gauvin. “All New Brunswickers deserve access to high-quality physical and recreational activities. I am delighted that our parks offer better access to people with limited mobility and physical disabilities, as well as new equipment, so they can enjoy nature and experience more of what our parks have to offer on the beach, in the water or down the mountain.”

Upgrades to the Mactaquac Provincial Park administration office, including accessible washrooms, have been completed in time for the tourism season. In addition, four Hippocampe wheelchairs, three WaterWheels floating beach wheelchairs and one adaptive mountain bike – the Bowhead Reach – are available this year in provincial parks, free of charge.

“We are thrilled to see New Brunswick provincial parks removing barriers and providing opportunities for more New Brunswickers to participate in physical recreation and connect with nature,” said Recreation NB president Gregory Cutler. “By creating recreation environments that are accessible, New Brunswick provincial parks are fostering happier, healthier individuals and communities.”

Provincial parks offer a wide range of experiences, such as camping, beach activities, hiking, mountain climbing and cycling.